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C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter
C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter
C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter
C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter
C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter

C128-C64 PSU Adapter - Commodore 128 to 64 Power Supply Cable, Netzteiladapter

  • MarkeKeelog
  • ModellC128PSU
  • Herstellergarantie1 Jahr
  • EAN4260536081218
  • Artikelnr.164955943576
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The C128-C64 power adapter is intended for use only with Commodore C64 and C128 systems. Power adapter converting Commodore 128 DIN5 square plug to Commodore 64 DIN7 round plug. Conveys +5V DC and 9V AC.

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